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Blog ini dibangunkan khusus untuk pengguna komputer. Matlamat utama untuk menyalurkan maklumat kepada para pembaca tentang dunia komputer dan IT terutamanya untuk rakyat Malaysia. Ruangan komen disediakan untuk berkongsi pendapat dan pengalaman dalam bidang komputer dan internet.

Segala maklumat yang disampaikan dalam blog ini adalah hasil kajian, pembacaan dan pengalaman penulis mengenai sistem komputer dan dunia IT. Ia berdasarkan fakta sebenar mengenai perkara berkaitan. Di harap anda semua mendapat maklumat dan manfaat dari blog ini.

Selaku ‘technical advisor’ yang secara langsung terbabit dalam persoalan ini saya akan cuba berkongsi pengalaman saya dalam memperbaiki masalah yang sering dihadapi oleh pelanggan saya. :-)

Harga Pemeriksaan Komputer / Laptop = RM 10
Harga Format komputer / Laptop = RM 50

**Harga bagi yang memerlukan pengantian alat komputer/laptop yang sudah rosak adalah tertakluk pada harga pasaran semasa.**

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Real One Player 11 Gold 2

Software infomation:
Nama Perisian: Real One Player 11 Gold 2
Saiz: 12.3 MB
Platform: Windows
Lesen: Software
Maklumat lanjut:
Kata laluan: mensirc free site

Software Description:
Satu perisian Multimedia pelbagai guna selain dapat memainkan pelbagai format video dan audio; RealOne ini ada fungsi-fungsinya tersendiri! Sebuah software yang patut ada di dalam PC korang.

*Software ini jenis "Full Installation".
Bagus untuk korang yang tiada "Connection Internet" di rumah.

Internet Download Manager (IDM) Ver.5.12 Build 8

Internet Download Manager (IDM) Ver.5.12 Build 8

Software infomation:
Nama Perisian: Internet Download Manager (IDM) Ver.5.12 Build 8
Saiz: 901KB
Platform: Windows
Lesen: Software
Maklumat lanjut:
Kata laluan: mensirc free site

Software Description:
Sambungan Internet korang lembab?? Nak muaturun pun berjam-jam menunggu? Kini, dengan Internet Download Manager (IDM) proses muaturun korang akan bertambah *laju. Sambungan Internet korang akan dilonjakkan sehingga 200%! Bukan itu sahaja malah untuk muaturun sebarang video FLV atau sebarang files/mp3/audio atau apa sahaja akan diuruskan oleh IDM. Korang tidak perlu untuk install sesuatu perisian untuk sesuatu kerja, biar IDM yang take over semuanya! Kini proses muaturun korang akan lebih ekfisen!

Revo Uninstaller, Bronken uninstaller.

revo_uninstaller.jpg Revo Uninstaller

Software Infomation.
Nama Perisian: Revo Unistaller
Saiz: 1.53MB
Platform: Windows
Lesen: Percuma (Freeware)
Maklumat lanjut:
Kata Laluan: mensirc free site


Software Description:
Satu program yang amat berguna untuk komputer korang. Antara muka yang cukup muda dikendalikan sama seperti kita membuka "Control Panel", tapi software ini lebih advance. Di mana sebarang program/software yang korang install akan dibuang secara menyeluruhnya termasuk di dalam registry. Sebelum sebarang pembuangan dilakukan, program ini akan membuat "system restore point" secara auto.

Revo Uninstaller ini akan akan "scan" segala leftover semasa korang membuang sebarang perisian korang...

*Perisian ini telah dikompresskan menggunakan program ZIP. Kata-laluan diperlukan untuk membuka file ini.

***Tertakluk kepada Disclaimer/Penafian.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Baru-baru ni saya ada terbaca berkenaan dengan BIOS ERROR SIGNALS dan ingin berkongsi dengan saudara-saudari semua. Semoga Ilmu ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada kita insyallah.

Sering kali kita menghadapi masalah didalam Troubleshooting Hardware yang melibatkan bunyi BEEP dan kita tidak tahu utk mentafsirkan Beep-beep yang dikeluarkan oleh BIOS dan apakah sebabnya.
Jadi artikel ini mungkin dapat membantu saudara-saudari dalam menjawab kemusykilan dan mentafsir berkenaan dengan beberapa Bunyi Error atau BEEP yang yang sering kali dikeluarkan oleh BIOS.

Bagi Motherboard yang di lengkapi dengan :


Sekiranya BIOS mengeluarkan bunyi BEEP sekali
Kemungkinan RAM mempunyai masalah/Defective atau Pemasangan RAM yang tidak betul.

GATE A20 error , Kebiasaannya disebabkan oleh keyboard yang defective atau rosak.

Kemungkinan Video Card mempunyai masalah/Defective atau Pemasangan Video yang tidak betul.

Checksum Error, melibatkan CMOS bateri didalam Motherboard. Periksa Bateri CMOS kemungkinan sudah lemah atau habis.


Award BIOS

BIOS mengeluarkan Bunyi BEEP yang panjang
Memory ERROR atau RAM tidak dipasang pada Slotnya dengan betul.

1 BEEP panjang , 2 BEEP pendek
Menandakan Video Card menghadapi masalah dan kemungkinan rosak.
Boleh juga disebabkan oleh pemasangan yang tidak betul.

1 BEEP panjang , 3 BEEP pendek
Terjadi disebabkan oleh keyboard yang tidak dipasang atau kemungkinan Defective. Juga Video Card error yang disebabkan oleh BIOS yang starting dengan BIOS version 4.5

BEEP yang berpanjangan (Continuos BEEP)
Memory/RAM atau Video Card tidak dipasang (Not Detected)


Pheonix BIOS

Disebabkan oleh BIOS yang tidak berfungsi (Malfunction)

1 BEEP, 2 BEEPs , 1 BEEP
Disebabkan oleh Motherboard yang rosak (Defective)

Masalah yang disebabkan oleh RAM yang bermasalah atau pemasangan RAM yang tidak betul.

Juga disebabkan oleh Motherboard yang rosak (defective)

3 BEEPs, 3 BEEPs, 4 BEEPs
Video Card yang tidak berfungsi atau disebabkan oleh pemasangan Video Card yang tidak betul.

Harap ini dapat membantu.

Cant play video or hear audio? LIST OF CODECs

Byk yg hadapi masalah bila nak view atau dengar media files yg dtg dlm berbagai format. Dan 99.9% disbbkan oleh lack of proper codec.

Disini disenaraikan kat mana nak dpt codec yg berkenaan.

1) Informasi berkenaan codec file

Welcome to the New Codec Corner

2) Kenalpasti Codec file yg diguna

This free program:

"Determine what codec a file uses and what codec your system will use to play it

Full support for OGG media files as well as AVI stream formats

Identifies MPEG (.mpg), QuickTime (.mov), RealMedia (.rm), Windows Media (.wma / .asf), Flash (.swf) and others; will attempt a DirectShow render those (and any other) file, and report either the error or detailed results.

Supports VFW, ACM, DirectShow and DMO codec types (audio and video)

Offers painstaking detail about installed details codecs, culled from seven internal sources & external database of 300 video and 150 audio codec types


No Install

3) Download Codec file

Nemo Codec
Biasanya download yg lite version pun dah ok.

ACE Mega CodecS Pack 5.01

MS Codec Download Package


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Terlupa Password Windows? Reset Password Anda Dengan Offline NT Password & Registry Editor

Dah menjadi fitrah, manusia adalah makhluk yang pelupa. Dan kadang-kadang, manusia juga terlupa password bagi administrator Windows. Alamak, kes berat tu. Kalau lupa password untuk admin, macam mana nak akses Windows?

Relaks, jangan panik. Jangan format dulu Windows anda, kerana ada cara untuk reset password dalam Windows ni. Reset password bermaksud anda mengosongkan password tersebut, membuangnya supaya administrator tidak mempunyai password. Selepas reset password, anda boleh login ke akaun administrator dengan mudah.

Kali ini, saya akan menunjukkan cara-cara untuk reset password Windows dengan menggunakan Offline NT Password & Registry Editor. Terlebih dahulu, download fail ISO bagi Offline NT Password & Registry Editor dan burn ke dalam CD. CD dah sedia, jom ikut langkah-langkah di bawah (klik pada setiap imej untuk besarkan):

  • ON kan komputer anda dan masukkan CD. Pastikan komputer akan boot dari CD.
  • Mula-mula sekali, boot menu akan keluar. Tekan Enter sahaja untuk mulakan Offline NT Password & Registry Editor.

Step ONE: Select disk where the Windows installation is
Langkah PERTAMA: Pilih partition yang mengandungi folder Windows

  • Offline NT Editor akan memaparkan senarai hard disk yang dijumpai, serta partition yang mempunyai Windows. Pilih partition Windows anda dan tekan Enter.
  • offline_nt02

Step TWO: Select PATH and registry files
Langkah KEDUA: Pilih folder yang mengandungi fail registry

  • Offline NT Editor akan meminta anda memasukkan PATH bagi folder registry. Biasanya anda tidak perlu risau akan hal ini, anda hanya perlu tekan Enter sahaja.
  • offline_nt03
  • Pada paparan seterusnya, pilih 1 – Password reset [sam system security]
  • offline_nt04

Step THREE: Password or regsitry edit
Langkah KETIGA: Ubah password atau registy

  • Menu Chntpw akan keluar. Pilih 1 – Edit user data and password.
  • offline_nt05
  • Di sini, anda harus pilih akaun yang ada hendak ubah. Taip 0x atau taip nama user tersebut. Sebagai contoh, jika saya ingin memilih akaun Khairul, saya perlu taip 0×03eb atau Khairul
  • offline_nt06
  • Kemudian, pilih 1 untuk kosongkan password.
  • offline_nt07
  • Proses reset password kini telah selesai. Taip ! untuk keluar, kemudian taip q bagi memastikan operasi tadi dijalankan.

Step FOUR: Writing back changes
Langkah KEEMPAT: Jalankan operasi

  • Taip y bagi memastikan segala operasi yang telah anda lakukan tadi dijalankan.
  • offline_nt08

Setelah selesai, kini anda boleh restart semula komputer anda dan login ke dalam akaun administrator tadi. Selamat mencuba, InsyaAllah ^^

Melihat gambar private profile dari friendster

Pastikan anda update antivirus dahulu sebelum mencuba, and do at your own risk! Antivir detect kemungkinan ada HTML exploit code dari web site yang di beri di bawah.. User ID di bawah hanya example bagi tutorial ini yang di pilih secara rawak tiada kena mengena dengan sy.

Kadang tu kita nk tengok apa yg ada dari satu2 profile pengguna friendster dengan id sekian dan sekian. Tapi owner friendster tersebut membuat profile nya private bagi melindungi kandungan friendster dia. Frust jugak betul tak? Mengikuti cara yg di tunjukkan dibawah, anda boleh melihat gambar private profile friendster tanpa perlu menjadi kawan atau mendaftar sebagai pengguna friendster..

So, lets fire up..

1. Pergi ke web site di sebelah (pastikan baca arahan diatas dahulu).

2. Dapatkan user id pengguna friendster tersebut. User ID boleh di dapati dengan melihat picture avatar profile friendster user tersebut sekiranya id pengguna dari URL telah di tukar ke alias. Click gambar profile tersebut bagi melihat user ID friendster yg URL telah di ubah kepada alias.. Contoh id adalah seperti di bawah..

- Dari address bar:



3. Masukkan ID tersebut ke dalam kotak seperti di bawah dari web site dari step 1, dan click go-go-go..



4. Gambar bagi private profile di susun mengikut album. Klik gambar album untuk melihat sepenuhnya kandungan album private profile friendster.

**trick ini kini boleh di guna semula.. selamat mencuba :)

Masalah download windows update bagi pirate version windows xp

Humm.. ramai yang sangkakan windows update tak perlu bagi pirate version windows xp dan hanya mendatangkan masalah. Salah tu.. sebab pirate version windows lagi la lemah pada ‘attack’ dan most possibly pirate version windows xp telah di-bind dengan trojan? siapa tahu? antivirus boleh detect tak klau telah di-bind? percentage rate maybe boleh ‘as long as virus signature’ tu masih sama dengan yang asal, klau polymorphic virus camne? humm.. so, better replace file windows dengan original windows, dan salah satu caranya adalah dengan windows update. dont take risk. Windows update adalah penting bagi menutup masalah windows versi terdahulu yang di kenal pasti.

Windows update bagi pirate version windows XP boleh di download dan install. Bahkan yang ter-install “windows genuine advantage notification” juga boleh dengan caranya tersendiri untuk memasukan license ke dalam registry (baca dibawah). Cuma, jangan download dan install dari microsoft windows update secara web-based. Gunakan “automatic update” dari windows.



1) Bagi yang belum install “windows genuine advantage notification” atau belum pernah update sekali pun, pilih untuk update windows seperti di gambar sebelah. Dari masa ke semasa, windows akan mencari update yang terkini dan download ke pc buat simpanan sementara menunggu file update selesai. Selepas selesai download sepenuhnya, windows akan paparkan popup windows untuk pilihan issue yang perlu di-update. Sebaiknya, jangan memilih untuk ‘install windows genuine advantage notification’ tool, selain dari tu, dipersilakan install semua update.

2) Bagi yang telah terinstall “windows genuine advantage notification” dan mempunyai masalah windows yang menunjukkan popup “Software counterfeiting – Not having genuine windows .. etc”, masuk ke dalam windows seperti biasa dan buka notepad, seterusnya salin registry patch di bawah dan save sebagai “_apa_saja_namafile_.reg” dan double click file tersebut dan “apply”. Reboot dan perhatikan windows XP tadi telah sembuh dari sakit. Code registry tersebut adalah seperti dibawah [ copy dan paste exactly ] -

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
"CurrentBuild"="1.511.1 () (Obsolete data - do not use)"

Code di atas telah di download dari dan bukan ciptaan saya sendiri. Credits flagged to the owner of the codes.

Tips 5 minit: Cara download dan install windows update … Klik pada gambar bagi paparan lebih jelas





Hijackthis tools

Hijackthis tools :blush:

For Spyware

Spyware Terminator :
My choice

Ad-Aware :

For Webby Tools

Xampp :
My choice

Wamp5 :

CMS,Blogs,Forum n Others : anda boleh choose n try sendiri di link ini -

Audio/Video Converter
eRightSoft Super :
My choice coz boleh convert utk pelbagai stuff exmple psp,phone n others n banyak function even displaynya kurang menarik... support pelbagai file

Pdf reader selain dari Adobe Reader
Foxit Reader :
My choice coz lebih ringan dari adobe


For antivirus... saya lebih suka stick pada favorite antivirus saya


others antivirus backup yang saya guna
- Geekz Virus Remover (viewtopic.php?f=49&t=1978&p=22872&hilit=geekz#p22872)
- Smart Virus Remover (please google it)

Monday, December 7, 2009

How To Multi Boot Vista, XP, Linux, or Mac

Some tutorials from around the web about how to dual/multi boot Vista, XP, Linux, Mac :

How to dual boot Vista and XP (with Vista installed first)

How to dual boot Vista and XP (with XP installed first)

How To Triple boot Vista, XP, Ubuntu

How To Quad Boot Vista, XP, Linux, MacOS

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Compaq Presario CQ40-648TU Windows XP Driver

If you need guide to install Windows XP in this model refer guide here and here is your stat drivers:

ICH9 sata driver,
Download (microsoft)
Download (mediafire)

Install all drivers start with chipset and audio. if you have any problems leave your comments. details of the specification is at the end of the post.

Compaq Presario CQ40-648TU
INF Update Utility - Primarily for Intel® 5, 4, 3, 900 Series Chipsets
Download (direct link)
Download (intel website)

Intel matrix storage manager:
Compaq Presario CQ40-648TU
Download (intel site)
Download (mediafire)

ICH9 sata drive Compaq Presario CQ40-648TUr,
Download (microsoft)
Download (mediafire)

if you have intel graphic Compaq Presario CQ40-648TU:
Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family Graphics Driver (32-bit)
Download (mediafire)

If you have Nvidia graphic Compaq Presario CQ40-648TU:
NVIDIA GeForce G 103M/ G 105M Graphics Driver (186.81 WHQL XP 32-bit)

if resulting in eror use modded driver below:
3-step process to install:
1. Download driver, double click and select extract,
2. Download modded INF and replace original INF in extracted folder,
3. Install & reboot.

Install MS-UAA first:
both ms-uaa sp33867 and kb888111 are similar files.
Windows XP SP2: Download (SP33867.exe)
Download (KB888111)
Windows XP SP3: Download (KB835221)

Then restart, and install AUDIO Drivers:

IDT - High Definition Audio Codecs (SP39671)
Download (ftp)
Download (mediafire)
or try this drivers reported work in xp
SP41500 Download (ftp)
Download (mediaifre)

SP41616 Download(ftp)
Download (mediaifre)
First install your audio.
Why there are three audio drivers?? since this model not for XP, the three drivers is tested work with this model for windows XP.
Installing the Audio normally resulting in error, ignore it and proceed by manually install the drivers, read the guide here;
Manually install Audio Drivers.

WIRELESS Compaq Presario CQ40-648TU:
Choose one of the wireless driver base on your specs, if you dont know, just try each driver (there are no risk and will not harm your system)
Broadcom: Download

Intel: Download
(requires windows installer 3.0 installed first)

HP Integrated Module with Bluetooth Wireless Technology

HP Wireless Assitant:

CARD READER Compaq Presario CQ40-648TU
JMB38X Card Reader Host Controller

ALPS Touchpad Compaq Presario CQ40-648TU

Synaptics Touchpad Compaq Presario CQ40-648TU

WEBCAM Compaq Presario CQ40-648TU
Cyberlink youcam software 2.0

LIGHTSCRIBE: Compaq Presario CQ40-648TU
Lightscribe system software

If you need guide to install Windows XP in this model refer guide here and here is your stat drivers:

ICH9 sata driver,
Download (microsoft)
Download (mediafire)

if you have any problems leave your comments. details of the specification is at the end of the post.

Compaq Presario CQ40-647TU
INF Update Utility - Primarily for Intel® 5, 4, 3, 900 Series Chipsets
Download (direct link)
Download (intel website)

Intel matrix storage manager:
Compaq Presario CQ40-647TU
Download (intel site)
Download (mediafire)

if you have intel graphic Compaq Presario CQ40-647TU:
Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family Graphics Driver (32-bit)
Download (mediafire)

If you have Nvidia graphic Compaq Presario CQ40-647TU:
NVIDIA GeForce G 103M/ G 105M Graphics Driver (186.81 WHQL XP 32-bit)

if resulting in eror use modded driver below:
3-step process to install:
1. Download driver, double click and select extract,
2. Download modded INF and replace original INF in extracted folder,
3. Install & reboot.

Install MS-UAA first:
both ms-uaa sp33867 and kb888111 are similar files.
Windows XP SP2: Download (SP33867.exe)
Download (KB888111)
Windows XP SP3: Download (KB835221)

Then restart, and install AUDIO Drivers:

IDT - High Definition Audio Codecs (SP39671)
Download (ftp)
Download (mediafire)
or try this drivers reported work in xp
SP41500 Download (ftp)
Download (mediaifre)

SP41616 Download(ftp)
Download (mediaifre)
First install your audio.
Installing the Audio normally resulting in error, ignore it and proceed by manually install the drivers, read the guide here;
Manually install Audio Drivers.

WIRELESS Compaq Presario CQ40-647TU:
Choose one of the wireless driver base on your specs, if you dont know, just try each driver (there are no risk and will not harm your system)
Broadcom: Download

Intel: Download
(requires windows installer 3.0 installed first)

HP Integrated Module with Bluetooth Wireless Technology

HP Wireless Assitant:

CARD READER Compaq Presario CQ40-647TU
JMB38X Card Reader Host Controller

ALPS Touchpad Compaq Presario CQ40-647TU

Synaptics Touchpad Compaq Presario CQ40-647TU

WEBCAM Compaq Presario CQ40-647TU
Cyberlink youcam software 2.0

LIGHTSCRIBE: Compaq Presario CQ40-647TU
Lightscribe system software

Compaq Presario CQ40-645TU/641TU Windows XP Drivers

If you need guide to install Windows XP in this model refer guide here and here is your stat drivers:

ICH9 sata driver,
Download (microsoft)
Download (mediafire)

Install all drivers start with chipset and audio. if you have any problems leave your comments. details of the specification is at the end of the post.

Compaq Presario CQ40-645TU/641TU
INF Update Utility - Primarily for Intel® 5, 4, 3, 900 Series Chipsets
Download (direct link)
Download (intel website)

Intel matrix storage manager:
Compaq Presario CQ40-645TU/641TU
Download (intel site)
Download (mediafire)

ICH9 sata drive Compaq Presario CQ40-645TU/641TU,
Download (microsoft)
Download (mediafire)

if you have intel graphic Compaq Presario CQ40-645TU/641TU:
Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family Graphics Driver (32-bit)
Download (mediafire)

If you have Nvidia graphic Compaq Presario CQ40-645TU/641TU:
NVIDIA GeForce G 103M/ G 105M Graphics Driver (186.81 WHQL XP 32-bit)

if resulting in eror use modded driver below:
3-step process to install:
1. Download driver, double click and select extract,
2. Download modded INF and replace original INF in extracted folder,
3. Install & reboot.

Install MS-UAA first:
both ms-uaa sp33867 and kb888111 are similar files.
Windows XP SP2: Download (SP33867.exe)
Download (KB888111)
Windows XP SP3: Download (KB835221)

Then restart, and install AUDIO Drivers:

IDT - High Definition Audio Codecs (SP39671)
Download (ftp)
Download (mediafire)
or try this drivers reported work in xp
SP41500 Download (ftp)
Download (mediaifre)

SP41616 Download(ftp)
Download (mediaifre)
First install your audio.
Installing the Audio normally resulting in error, ignore it and proceed by manually install the drivers, read the guide here;
Manually install Audio Drivers.

WIRELESS Compaq Presario CQ40-645TU/641TU:
Choose one of the wireless driver base on your specs, if you dont know, just try each driver (there are no risk and will not harm your system)
Broadcom: Download

Intel: Download
(requires windows installer 3.0 installed first)

HP Integrated Module with Bluetooth Wireless Technology

HP Wireless Assitant:

CARD READER Compaq Presario CQ40-645TU/641TU
JMB38X Card Reader Host Controller

ALPS Touchpad Compaq Presario CQ40-645TU/641TU

Synaptics Touchpad Compaq Presario CQ40-645TU/641TU

WEBCAM Compaq Presario CQ40-645TU/641TU
Cyberlink youcam software 2.0

LIGHTSCRIBE: Compaq Presario CQ40-645TU/641TU
Lightscribe system software

Compaq Presario CQ40-627TU Windows XP Drivers

First Install:
Net framework 2.0
(please install this before other drivers)

INTEL Chipset.
filename: infinst_autol.exe
INF Update Utility - Primarily for Intel® 5, 4, 3, 900 Series Chipsets
Download (direct link)
Download (intel website)

if you have Nvidia Graphic
Nvidia GeForce G 105M/103M

If you have Intel Graphic:
(this one is tricky because i didn't get the exact intel graphic model so if you have the model plz inform me, thanks)
here is the suggestion:
Mobile Intel 45 Express Chipset Family Graphics Driver
Intel graphic accelerator 4500MHD

MS UAA (required with a reboot before Audio driver)

IDT High-Definition Audio CODEC Driver

High Definition Audio Modem

Intel: Download
(requires windows installer 3.0 installed first)
In case you have other wireless model:
Broadcom: Download

Atheros: Download (direct)
or here (atheros site)

JMB38X Card Reader Host Controller

choose one of the driver below:
Realtek RTL8102E Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC

Realtek RTL8101 Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC

Realtek RTL8168C Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC, here
(report back which work)


Lightscribe system software

if you have webcam:
Cyberlink YouCam 2.0 Software,

Friday, December 4, 2009

EL1300 Vista & XP Driver

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Acer Aspire 4520 Driver for Windows XP

Acer Aspire 4520 Notebook

Acer Aspire 4520 Notebook

Windows XP Drivers for Acer Aspire 4520

NVIDIA enforce Driver download it from here
You may got the chipset driver also from here

Some Important XP Drivers:
a. VGA XP here
b. Modem Lite On here
c. CCD Bison Driver here
d. CIR Driver here
e. CCD Suyin here
f. Foxconn Conexant Modem here
g. Touchpad Synaptics
h. LAN and Chipset Driver here
i. Wireless Atheros Driver here
j. Wireless Broadom Driver here
k. Audio driver here
l. Card Reader Driver here

short description about acer aspire 4520 notebook:
2.0 Ghz of AMD Turion 64×2 Dual Core Processor, NVIDIA GeForce 7000M video graphics card, 120GB of harddrive, 1GB of DDR2 RAM memory, DVD Super Multi Dual Layer, 802.11 b/g/ Wireless LAN. This Aspire 4520 laptop has 14.1-inch LCD.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Compaq CQ2120L XP Drivers

• Intel® ATOM™ 330 Processor
• 1.60 GHz, 512 KB L2 Cache, 533 MHz
• Foxconn H-I945-ITX Iwith ntel® 945GC Express Chipset
• 160GB 7200rpm SATA HDD
• Intel GMA950 Graphics
• DVD+/-R/RW 16X 12X +/-DL LS 12X RAM SuperMulti SATA drive
• Realtek 8102 10/100 BaseT LAN
• Realtek ALC662 onboard High Definition 6-channel audio
• SD, MMC, SDHC, MMC Plus, MS, MS-Pro Card Reader
• Agere Systems PCI-SV92EX Soft Modem

Windows XP Professiona
1. GMA950 graphics card driver – on Intel's site.
2. System & chipset driver – on Foxconn's site.
3. HDA audio driver – on Realtek's site
5. Modem driver – it's not listed on Agere's site, but you can find it on Windows Update.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Acer Aspire 4732Z, Driver Windows XP

Acer Aspire 4732Z


- Intel Chipset, untuk mendapatkan driver terbaru download dari Official website Mobile Intel 4 Series.

Graphic Adapter:
- Intel Cantiga GL40, driver untuk vga juga bisa di dapatkan dari website Intel Graphic Accelerator

- Conexant Cx20561: MS-UAA, Conexant Smart Audio 221: HD Audio Driver
Install MS-UAA driver kemudian restart. Untuk Driver High Definition Audio install dengan cara berikut ini,

1. Dari 'Device Manager' klik kanan pada Audio Device on HD, pilih update driver.
2. Saat muncul window pilihan pilih 'Not to connect'
3. kemudian pilih 'install from a list or specific location'
4. Pilih 'Don't search, I will choose the driver to install'
5. Kemudian pilih 'Show all devices'
6. Pilih 'Have Disk', lalu browse lokasi Conexant Smart Audio 221
7. pilih WiSVHe5.inf

- Atheros PCI-E Ethernet bisa menggunakan driver dari Acer Aspire model 4735Z yang sama-sama memiliki chipset Atheros di website resmi Acer.

- Ralink 802.11in, juga bisa menggunakan driver milik notebook Aspire 4735Z yang di dapatkan melalui website resmi Acer.

- Windows XP sudah otomatis terinstall.

Card Reader:
- Windows XP sudah otomatis terinstall.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG XP & Vista Drivers

Acer Aspire 4736Z Review and Specifications available here (Acer Aspire 4736Z Review & Specifications)

Acer Aspire 4736

Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32 bit) Drivers :

(All files hosted at MediaFire If you need download mirror please write a comment)

Audio Realtek
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

Camera Chicony
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

CardReader Jmicron
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

CardReader Realtek 6.0.6000.20125
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

Chipset Intel v9.0.0.1008
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

Lan Atheros
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

Modem Agere v2.1.93.0
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

Modem Conexant
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

TouchPad ALPS 7.5.2002.301
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

TouchPad Synaptics
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

VGA Intel
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

Wireless LAN Atheros
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

Wireless LAN Ralink
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

WLAN Intel
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

Bluetooth Broadcom
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

Fingerprint AuthenTec 6.1.22
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x86 (32bit) Driver

Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64 bit) Drivers :

Audio Realtek
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

CardReader Jmicron
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

CardReader Realtek 6.0.6000.20125
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

Chipset Intel v9.0.0.1008
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

Lan Atheros
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

Modem Agere v2.1.93.0
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

Modem Conexant
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

TouchPad ALPS 7.5.2002.301
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

TouchPad Synaptics
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

VGA Intel
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

Wireless LAN Atheros
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

Wireless LAN Ralink
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

WLAN Intel
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

Bluetooth Broadcom
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

Fingerprint AuthenTec 6.1.22
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows XP x64 (64bit) Driver

Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista 32bit Drivers :

Audio Realtek
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Bluetooth Broadcom
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Camera Chicony
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Camera Suyin
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

CardReader Jmicron
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

CardReader Realtek 6.0.6000.20125
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Chipset Intel
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Fingerprint AuthenTec 6.1.29
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Lan Atheros
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Modem Agere
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Modem Conexant
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Intel Matrix Sorage Manager SATA Intel
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

TouchPad ALPS 7.5.2002.301
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

TouchPad Synaptics
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

VGA Intel
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Wireless LAN Atheros
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Wireless LAN Intel v12.1.0.14
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Wireless LAN Ralink
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x86 (32bit) Driver

Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista 64bit Drivers :

Audio Realtek
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Bluetooth Broadcom
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Camera Chicony
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Camera Suyin
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

CardReader Jmicron
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

CardReader Realtek 6.0.6000.20125
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Chipset Intel
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Fingerprint AuthenTec 6.1.29
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Lan Atheros
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Modem Agere
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Modem Conexant
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Intel Matrix Sorage Manager SATA Intel
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

TouchPad ALPS 7.5.2002.301
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

TouchPad Synaptics
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

VGA Intel
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Wireless LAN Atheros
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Wireless LAN Intel v12.1.0.14
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Wireless LAN Ralink
Acer Aspire 4736 4736Z 4736G 4736ZG Windows Vista x64 (64bit) Driver

Acer 4535The Acer Aspire 4535 with 14″ HD display is ideal for carefree multimedia enjoyment and communication on the go.

The Aspire® 4535-5015 is available at select retail outlets.

  • Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium
  • AMD Athlon™ X2 Dual-Core Processor QL-64
    (1MB L2 cache, 2.1GHz)
  • AMD™ M780G
  • Up to 3GB (2/1) DDR2 667 SDRAM
  • Acer® CineCrystal full HD 14.0″ WXGA (1366 x 768) high-brightness (220 nit) TFT display with LED backlighting
  • Acer® PureZone technology with two integrated stereo microphones featuring beam forming, echo cancellation and noise suppression technologies
  • 5-in-1 card reader for optional MultiMediaCard™, Secure Digital, Memory Stick®, Memory Stick PRO™ or xD-Picture Card™
  • 5.1 lb. (2.3kg)

Acer Aspire 4535 / 4535G Notebook Driver and Software Download Now

Acer Aspire 4535 / 4535G Vista

Category Vendor File Version Size
Download Audio Realtek Audio Driver 63.8 MB
Download Bluetooth Broadcom Bluetooth Driver 48.9 MB
Download CardReader Realtek Card Reader Driver 6.0.6000.20125 9.6 MB
Download Fingerprint AuthenTec Fingerprint Driver 6.1.29 83.5 MB
Download Lan Atheros LAN Driver 4.5 MB
Download Modem Foxconn Modem Driver 5.0 MB
Download TouchPad ALPS Touchpad Driver 7.5.2002.301 8.9 MB
Download TouchPad Synaptics Touchpad Driver 20.2 MB
Download VGA ATI VGA Driver 8.59 101.8 MB
Download Wireless LAN Atheros Wireless LAN Driver 28.2 MB
Download Wireless LAN Ralink Wireless LAN Driver 36.4 MB
Download LaunchManager Dritek Acer LaunchManager Application 2.0.00 3.4 MB
Download BIOS Acer BIOS 1.00 856.9 KB
Download BIOS Acer BIOS 1.00 856.5 KB

Acer Aspire 4535 / 4535G XP

Category Vendor File Version Size
Download AHCI ATI SATA AHCI Driver 3.1.1540.86 253.2 KB
Download Audio Realtek Audio Driver 65.1 MB
Download Bluetooth Broadcom Bluetooth Driver 98.5 MB
Download Camera Chicony Camera Driver 11.1 MB
Download CardReader Realtek Card Reader Driver 6.0.6000.81 6.9 MB
Download CPU ATI CPU Driver 1.0.0 6.6 MB
Download Fingerprint AuthenTec Fingerprint Driver 6.1.29 83.5 MB
Download Lan Atheros LAN Driver 4.5 MB
Download Modem Conexant Modem Driver 4.1 MB
Download TouchPad ALPS Touchpad Driver 7.5.2002.301 9.1 MB
Download TouchPad Synaptics Touchpad Driver 20.7 MB
Download VGA ATI VGA Driver 8.591.0 158.3 MB
Download Wireless LAN Atheros Wireless LAN Driver 30.6 MB
Download Wireless LAN Broadcom Wireless LAN Driver 25.2 MB
Download Wireless LAN Ralink Wireless LAN Driver 36.4 MB

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